The work of the Society Integration Foundation is managed by the Council and is ensured by Secretariat.
The Council of the Foundation:
- elects and dismisses the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Foundation Board;
- approves the Foundation's operational strategy;
- continuously monitors that the Foundation operates in accordance with the laws and regulations and the decisions of the Foundation's Council;
- approves the Foundation's priorities and targets for the current year;
- coordinates the commitments the Foundation makes as a recipient of funding from European Union policy instruments or other foreign financial resources
- familiarises with the Foundation's annual accounts, evaluation reports on the national budget programmes and projects implemented by the Foundation, internal audits and other inspection reports
- coordinates the Foundation's state budget request and approves its use for the current year; monitors the use of the Foundation's resources;
- approves the rules of procedure for the project tenders, the composition of the committee and the rules of procedure of the committee, unless otherwise provided for in external regulatory enactments;
- approves the results of the project tenders;
- approves the rules governing the competition for the post of Director of the Foundation’s Secretariat;
- approves and dismisses the Director of the Foundation’s Secretariat and determines his/her remuneration;
- considers other matters falling within the competence of the Foundation on a proposal from one or more members of the Foundation Council, if a majority of the Foundation Council has voted in favour of their consideration.
The Council of the Foundation is composed of the Minister of Education and Science, the Minister of Culture, the Minister of Welfare, the Minister of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, the Minister of Justice, a representative of the Prime Minister and four representatives of non-governmental organisations.
The non-governmental organisations represented on the Foundation's Council are appointed for a three-year term. The Cabinet of Ministers shall determine the criteria for the selection of non-governmental organisations entitled to delegate a representative to the Foundation's Council and the procedure for the selection of such organisations. The mandate of the representatives of the non-governmental organisations included in the Foundation's Council shall continue until other non-governmental organisations delegating other representatives to the Foundation's Council are selected in accordance with the established procedure. The members of the Foundation’s Council shall elect from among themselves a Chairman of the Foundation’s Council who shall preside over the work of the Foundation’s Council. From 1 January 2020, representatives of non-governmental organisations (members of the Foundation's Council) receive remuneration for their participation in meetings of the Foundation's Council.
Composition of the Council of the Society Integration Foundation (29.09.2023.)