One of the areas of activity of the Society Integration Foundation is participation in international projects and activities to promote continuous capacity building and networking in Latvia and other countries.  

The Society Integration Foundation participates in international networks, initiates, coordinates and manages international projects, attracts resources from foreign financial programmes, participates as a partner in projects and identifies good practice examples from other countries and promotes bilateral cooperation with partners in other countries. 

In terms of international cooperation, the main tasks are:  

  • to participate in and support Latvia's active participation in EU-level and Baltic Sea cooperation networks in order to regularly exchange information on current developments, identify regional/sectoral experiences and contribute to the accomplishment of regional strategic objectives, in so far as this concerns the Foundation's field of competence;  
  • to foster closer cooperation with the Nordic countries by initiating, implementing or participating in projects and expanding the Foundation's international network of cooperation partners;  
  • to encourage and support, where possible, the exploration and transfer of international experience within the programmes administered by the Foundation, in order to facilitate Latvia's competitive performance and the implementation of innovative solutions;  
  • to participate in projects where the Foundation can transfer its experience to other institutions and countries;  
  • to promote the dissemination of international experience in Latvia;  
  • to enhance the capacity of Latvian NGOs to implement international projects;  
  • to raise the Foundation's international profile. 

Currently, the Society Integration Foundation is involved in the following international projects: 

Preventing and Combating Intolerance in Latvia (CALDER)

Projekta mērķis ir novērst un izskaust rasismu, ksenofobiju un citas neiecietības formas un to izpausmes, it sevišķi naida noziegumus un naida runu.
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Centres of Competence for Social Innovation - Capacity Building for a Sustainable Society (BuiCaSuS)

Projekta mērķis ir veicināt starpvalstu sadarbību un savstarpēju mācīšanos, lai izveidotu vai stiprinātu iestādes un organizācijas, kas darbojas kā nacionālie sociālo inovāciju kompetences centri, kā arī lai attīstītu sociālo inovāciju ekosistēmu attiecīgajā dalībvalstī.
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Alda Sebre

Alda Sebre

Director of the Department
alda.sebre [at]